
Profiles of Success



We were introduced to PPLSI by a friend in August 1998. We were able to use the service right away to settle a property dispute and realized that everyone could benefit from a membership. Though we had never been involved in any type of sales before, we were intrigued by the business opportunity.

Bill continued to work his CNC programming job while doing weekly meetings and private business receptions in the evenings. He hosted monthly statewide meetings, taught Fast Start classes and was a Group Marketing instructor. He was able to focus solely on PPLSI in January 2000.

We live in rural, southeast Iowa, near a town of 900 people, in a county of only 15,000. Through the power of network marketing, we have been able to build a nationwide team. We are privileged to work with outstanding people all across the country.

We focus on doing good business by selling (but not over-selling) the products, which has led to one of the highest organizational retention rates in the company. Our daily goal is to find good people and help them to become their best.

Our greatest success is seeing others reach their goals, changing their lives and their family’s destiny. We believe the next few years will offer even a greater opportunity to build a tremendous business. The key is just to remain “patiently persistent.”