
Profiles of Success

Banking/Finance, Business Owner, Corporate, Sales


Our advice? Live a meaningful life of significance, abundance, love and kindness. Have fun, get excited and live more. Dream big and NEVER EVER QUIT. Live a balanced life in the order of faith, family and finances. Follow the systems. Get yourself and your team into — and stay in — the Performance Club.

We thank God for our faith, our family, our friends and the PPLSI family and business. Our tremendous TMD Superstars Team helped us achieve some amazing accomplishments. We are blessed to have earned the $100,000 Ring. In 2020, we also became Millionaire Club Members. We love to travel. We’ve earned numerous all-expenses paid trips to resorts in Cabo San Lucas, Jamaica, Hawaii, Atlantis, Dominican Republic, Cancun, Orlando and Las Vegas. We have been receiving a bonus for Performance Club qualifying for more than 233 months. In 2018 and 2019, we were able to visit different countries and helped build a house for a deserving family in one day in Mexico. We did charity work locally and internationally and spent time doing what we love to do with our family and our PPLSI team. Today, we have no credit card payments and no car payments. We love to help others achieve their dreams.

We have extensive backgrounds in, and are still very active in, real estate sales, investments and partnerships. We own and operate properties in several different counties in Southern California. In a real estate office of over 400 agents, we are blessed to be in the top 5%.

A complete stranger approached us about this membership. So don’t hesitate to approach strangers. You may change their lives also. With the passive and residual income opportunity with this company, we treated this business very seriously. We are firm believers in the LegalShield Membership and have used it more than 200 times.

Personal development and leadership training play a huge role in our lives. Because of this, we have met great people like Robert Kiyosaki, Paul J. Meyer, Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, John Maxwell, Grant Cardone and Bob Burg. We even got a chance to be contributing authors with some of them in a book called The Power of Mentorship for the 21st Century.

PPLSI’s local, field and corporate leadership teams are truly visionary. With Don Thompson as President, we have been blessed with great mentors like Mr. Harland Stonecipher and Shirley Stonecipher, Wilburn Smith and Carol Smith, Woody and Fran Alexander, Aaron Berger and Gloria Berger, Larry and Doni Smith, Craig Hepner, Kai Deering and the Teams Make Dreams leaders.

Our SUPERSTARS TEAM is our biggest asset. This great team includes Nikki and Brad Hall, Dennis Cuya, Michael Simpson, Nancy Winters, Ron Verian, Jun Balisbis, Dr. Joe Conner and many more. We want to help everyone reach their goals. We are fired up, wired up and geared up for an INCREDIBLE future. If we can do it, you can do it. Massive success to you.