
Profiles of Success

Corporate, Management, Sales


PPLSI / LegalShield has been a journey of discovery for us. Sharon and I have grown in ways we could not have imagined when we started our business 20+ years ago. The best part is that we are still growing and learning and building. I entered the job market in my early 20s, and I felt fortunate to start and build a career with a company from its early beginnings. But, after investing 26 hard-earned years, even growing into senior management, I still had a burning desire to pursue my goal of being in business for myself. I left the company and launched a small recruiting business. Life happened, and I had to transition again. This time I chose a more independent route; I became a Realtor. I was introduced to PPLSI while I was selling a home.

Sharon was in her 15th year as a successful senior account executive working with a large broadcast company. Her reaction to my newfound interest in becoming a PPLSI Associate came with some reluctance. She was initially not on board. I was even a bit unsure myself after my previous experiences with network marketing, in which I had little or no financial success. But we put our concerns aside long enough to evaluate the services and the compensation plan.

We could clearly see that everybody could use this product and service. We started to visualize a different future and a clearer pathway to leaving a legacy for our children, traveling, helping our families, and serving our community. The best part is we could create the life we wanted to live and do it together. At this point there was no more hesitation. We set our hearts, minds and actions on moving forward with purpose! We achieved the Executive Director level within our first six months, with the help of an amazing team, and our goal of helping as many families as possible have access to this service and opportunity. We knew there were more people like us who would also recognize the advantages of our business model. We’ve now developed a business that offers us both passive and residual income.

We recently celebrated our 20th anniversary with PPLSI / LegalShield! WOW!! We have had the honor of earning our spot among the many top producers’ all-expenses paid vacations to destinations such as Cancun, Lake Tahoe, the Dominican Republic, Hawaii, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Cabo San Lucas and Dana Point, and more. We’ve received numerous accolades and recognition, including earning two Lady of Justice Awards, entering the Millionaire Club, earning the PPLSI $150,000 Ring and having served as Network Vice Presidents for two states! Our goal is to help others realize the importance of access and choices and to choose to become a part of this experience. We’ll continue to share this great business model, allowing us the privilege to build a legacy, doing well while doing good.

For us, the next goals are earning the $200,000 & $300,000 Ring and building a solid Platinum Executive Director organization. We can! We shall! We must! We are “just getting started.”

Be intentional, strategic and focused!